May 9, 2010

56. Strassenbahn

So, public transport. It's a complicated thing sometimes.  Our commute to school isn't too bad.  We walk about 15 minutes to the street car.  Apparently we can take a bus instead of walking, but Breanna and I can't figure out where the bus stop is.  The first day we went and stood where we thought it was, but the bus just sped right past us.  So now we just walk every day.  The street car is OLD.  It creaks and has wooden chairs, but it has personality.  We only have to ride it for like 20 minutes, and we get dropped off basically at our school door (which is right by the Opera house--awesome).

There are 4 modes of transportation overall in Vienna: the train, the subway, the streetcar, and the bus.  Between those four things I can get anywhere, it just takes patience and some time looking at this CRAZY map of Vienna.  I'll have to take a picture of this map or something, it is ridiculous.  The street names are SO LONG here that any attempt to make a map is just ridiculous.  This map tries its hardest though.  It makes me cross-eyed every time I look at it.

Here are a few photos I took taking the street car home one night.

Since I don't have 5 photos for the day, here are a few bonus photos pertaining to public transport in Vienna:

Here: Jana and I after making it out to the 19th district to fetch my wallet from a nice guy that picked it up for me.  We had to take the subway and a bus (which we took the wrong way at first) to get out there.  The whole thing took about 2 hours.  I kinda wish the guy would have just met me downtown (especially since when I got to his house he asked me to come in).

Below, Breanna and I riding the street car on our first day.  Yeah, my hair is crazy.  I know.

And here is Jana, Amelia, me and Kayla being Superfly.  This is on an U-Bahn station downtown.  Apparently it is a radio station advertisement.  There is American music playing ALL THE TIME here.  I guess I was hoping I could get away from Lady Gag-Gag.  Oh well.  Pervasive American culture, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. The wallet, scarf, and chacos are all very....cute. I was trying to think of a tougher word, but I think cute is just right. You're such a babe, JP. JP+Vienna= Little German princess.
