There are 4 modes of transportation overall in Vienna: the train, the subway, the streetcar, and the bus. Between those four things I can get anywhere, it just takes patience and some time looking at this CRAZY map of Vienna. I'll have to take a picture of this map or something, it is ridiculous. The street names are SO LONG here that any attempt to make a map is just ridiculous. This map tries its hardest though. It makes me cross-eyed every time I look at it.
Here are a few photos I took taking the street car home one night.
Since I don't have 5 photos for the day, here are a few bonus photos pertaining to public transport in Vienna:
Here: Jana and I after making it out to the 19th district to fetch my wallet from a nice guy that picked it up for me. We had to take the subway and a bus (which we took the wrong way at first) to get out there. The whole thing took about 2 hours. I kinda wish the guy would have just met me downtown (especially since when I got to his house he asked me to come in).
Below, Breanna and I riding the street car on our first day. Yeah, my hair is crazy. I know.
And here is Jana, Amelia, me and Kayla being Superfly. This is on an U-Bahn station downtown. Apparently it is a radio station advertisement. There is American music playing ALL THE TIME here. I guess I was hoping I could get away from Lady Gag-Gag. Oh well. Pervasive American culture, I guess.
The wallet, scarf, and chacos are all very....cute. I was trying to think of a tougher word, but I think cute is just right. You're such a babe, JP. JP+Vienna= Little German princess.