March 7, 2010

5. Treat

So, remember when I said I was going to stop taking pictures in my kitchen?  I lied.  I'm not so great at this photo-a-day thing, I only remember at night, when I'm eating and doing homework in the kitchen.  I'll try harder next week.


A few other notes:
  • My sister and I decided that brownies are the best form of chocolate.  This opinion may change once I go to Europe.
  • I've been taking pictures with my little sister's camera (the same one that likes brownies - you may have thought "no duh, of course it's the same sister!"  But really, I have five sisters, so it is very probable I was talking about a different sister.  Are we clear?  Ok, good.) and I'm getting a little frustrated with it (its 4+ years old, an eon in digital camera time).  The thing is, I am getting more frustrated shopping for a camera, so I'm just dealing with hers.  I can't decide what I want.  A DSLR would be nice, but I'm not THAT serious about snapping photos.  So I'm left with digital cameras - but it turns out, there are a million options.  So, any suggestions?
  • I <3 iphoto.  The two finger rotate thing is AMAZING.
  • I can't believe i just typed the less than sign next to a three.
  • In case you didn't read the LONG bullet point, I need suggestions for camera purchases.
  • I am SO excited to go to Vienna.
  • I'll try to upload pictures more consistently, instead of all on Sunday night.
  • I don't know why I'm typing all this stuff, there are no photo-a-day police.  Tom seems like a pretty relaxed professor.

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